Sunday, March 31, 2024


I hope you are enjoying this Easter day.
My youngest son and his family visited Fri and Sat;  when I invited them for Easter, they had plans at their church but said they could come and spend time earlier, I jumped at the offer! 
 We had such a wonderful time!  
Eli, his grandpa and Dad enjoyed several fishing attempts in the pond but two gators, one smaller and one larger,
 have moved into the pool for the Spring season
 and have removed any of the fish in there!
We all enjoyed doing some shooting--I do love target practice!
Ella and I did some sewing;  she is making pillows from the fabric
 I bought at the last Shop Hop!
She did beautifully and here is the proof!  


  1. Looks like some great family time!
    Happy Easter!

  2. So happy you got to spend time with family. Our youngest is coming over with her clan but the oldest just moved back from DC and they are staying put at home, an hour away now instead of 8 hours away! Can't wait to see your weaving project.

  3. What a lovely Easter you had! Not sure about gators in ponds... scary!! Love the pillows Ella made! xx

  4. Oh - I'm jealous of your target practice. It's too chilly here! I got a new-to-me rifle in the fall (Ruger 10-22) and I'm dying to take it out. I just need it to be a wee bit warmer! My hands get too cold loading the ammo! Lol


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!