Thursday, March 28, 2024


I finished the mug rugs;  6 of them in fact!  They are 5 x 5".  I am not a coffee or tea drinker but I do like hot chocolate~
I made another kid's hat with the yarn I bought during last week's shop Hop when we made a side trip to JoAnn Fabric's.
I needed a raddle for the WAL I have joined starting April 1st. 
 This helps keep all of the warp threads lined up so I can thread them in the heddles and reed before I can begin weaving!  It is a good thing I have a bin of wood scraps so that I could make it myself--not bad for an hour's work of cutting, sanding, staining, drilling and nailing to save $70!
I am drawing to a close on the quilt on the frame--another 1/2 hour and I will be done!  I just didn't have anymore standing time left in me yesterday! lol

And today is another Shop Hop excursion!  We are not travelling so far afield today but still have 4-5 stops to keep us busy!


  1. Enjoy the shop hop! Nice color for the mug rugs.

  2. You made your own raddle?????? That's my jaw you just heard dropping to the floor.
    When I bought my loom it came with many of the doo dads it needed even though I had no idea what they were for at the time. Then Mere sent me all her unused weaving tools including a $$$ bobbin winder. Other people sent me all kinds of shuttles and such. I even had someone send me a GIANT carton of weaving cotton. I must have
    picked the right time to start weaving because there must have been a lot of ex weavers reading my blog who found a place to unload all their stuff. I was so grateful.

  3. Love those mug rugs. I'm looking forward to seeing the quilt off the frame.
    How lucky to have more shop hops today. How fun!

  4. Oh, and we're more alike than I thought. :-) I don't drink coffee at all and not much tea but love hot chocolate. Ha!

  5. Ah, shopping excursions for craft supplies. Life is good sometimes.

  6. Oh, so jealous of your loom! That is something I have wanted to do, but I have no time for more crafts!!! I will live vicariously through you. Lovely projects all, especially the QOV

  7. oh the mug rugs turned out so well! I'd love to learn how to weave... I really need to come and spend winters with you and learn all your cool crafts!! xx


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!