Sunday, July 8, 2018

Sweater 101 FO

 The sample sweater from the video class is off the needles and blocked!
 I had a good time learning some extra tips and feel pretty equipped to handle alterations to patters much better.
 This will fit a one year old child;  made with heavy worsted yarn from the stash on #8 and 10 needles.
I even added the yoke to the back.
I think I scored an A+ , if I do say so myself.


  1. That is adorable. You definitely get an A++++!

  2. Excellent finish! I've bookmarked the video link and will take the class this winter.

  3. I'll give you an A++. Great job!

  4. Beautiful! Who will get to wear it??

  5. It is perfect!!! Great job. I need to remember that I have collar class notes I took at Stitches one year. It creates a collar that is fuller and lays so much better than most patterned collars. More like the one on your sweater.

  6. That just came out so pretty!! Collars make it I think!

  7. It is perfect...and so sweet! That is going to be one lucky baby.

  8. That is beautiful! Congratulations.

  9. Fun to discover a useful new resource!

  10. Sweater looks sweet. Great job! This blog has interesting content.


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....