Friday, September 14, 2018

In a Jam!

 Here's proof that I do occasionally spend time in the kitchen!
This is a pan of Muscadine grapes that have simmered for an hour.
My neighbor, Millie, called to say she had some grapes ready that she wasn't going to get to herself;
did I want them?!  
She had made some jelly last year and gave me a jar which I thoroughly enjoyed;
 so I was very happy to make some for myself this year!
Bill went right over to pick them for me and I filled the house with such a delicious aroma 
as they cooked down.
I then ran them through the sieve to capture all of the juice.
After a ton of sugar (yikes, I didn't have the low sugar certo so this will be a rare treat!!)
I  had a pot of boiling and wondrous smelling jelly!
I did keep out one jar to put in the fridge for sampling right away-
Ethan and I gave it a go after dinner on some toast!  Oh, yum....
And in honor of feline fridays....
Every morning after breakfast when I make the beds, this is the body I disrupt in Ethan's bed! 
I get the punk eye because he knows I don't give any quarter-
no mercy no matter 
how sweet you think you are! 
 It's time for beds to be made!

(Call me hard-hearted but if I waited for him,
 I would get to make the bed
in time for Ethan to nap!
He does come back and lay down after it is made up proper!)


  1. Mmmmmm....I miss the concord grape vine I used to have at our old place. It was such a ritual for me and the kids to make jelly every fall. There is nothing better in the middle of a cold winter than to break open a new jar. Heaven.

  2. Yay for jelly!! I prefer strawberry, but have never made it. Maybe it's time? And the kitty should not be displaced. He is keeping the bed warm for Ethan!!

  3. Love those upside down side-eye looks you are getting!! LOL

    Giroux ONLY lays on the bed once it is made. He makes a little hide-y bunker in the gap between the pillows. He will never lay on it unmade. Picky, picky!

  4. Homemade jelly is THE best stuff! Enjoy every sugar-ladened spoonful. 😎

  5. I'm a big softie... that bed would NEVER get made!

  6. Our orange cat lays on her back just like that!


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I worked hard to sew the last 5 rows together and then to the top 5 which were already sewn pre-Sepsis!  It was a lot of work and stumbling ...