Saturday, September 8, 2018

One Stitch at a Time, Repeat

 I am nearing the end of another bias scarf/cowl; 
 this one is made from a ball of yarn I have leftover from a towel I wove many years ago-
I still have the towel.  It was woven from a cone of yarn a friend gave me many years ago, 
it is 100% cotton and a bit slubby-
I think it will be a great cowl to wear with an outfit of jeans and a light blue shirt....
 As soon as I finish this one in another 30 minutes, 
I hope to make another one from the silk I spun 
(the cake of yarn on the far left) 
and one out of the silk I caked after I ripped out-
this shawl! 
 This little shawl was turning out pretty but it was so small, 
it would've been a good cowboy's neckerchief! 
 I had only a minute's hesitation before I ripped gleefully
 knowing it would make a very pretty cowl instead!

Since the boys are with their dad today, I have a whole day to spend in the studio!!!!

(We went to the fabric store on Friday so I have upholstery fabric to cover two footstools,
backing fabric for the basic 4-patch batik lap blanket so I will load that up on the frame,
I also bought a backing for the Starry Splendor so that will go on the frame as soon as the little one is off of it-give me half an hour and I will be ready for it to load!
I also bought some flannel for pj bottoms for both boys and
I bought some fabric for a top for me which I hope to cut out at least.
Oh, yeah, and I want to keep working on the newest quilt-I think it will be a good day to be creative!)


  1. hm, I know that alone you'll be able to get more done, but you'll probably run yourself ragged if you try to get all of that long list done:)

  2. A day all to yourself!!! I just had 8 in a row but I was too tired to get excited about it.

  3. Whew, you've got quite a list of project planned for today. Have fun creating in your studio.

  4. You are so industrious! I love your gleeful ripping!

  5. That's a pretty long list. LOL Have fun with all your projects!

  6. I hope you are enjoying your time int he studio today, you deserve it. Hope visits with the boys and their Dad are going well and you are continuing to navigate this horrible world of fostering. I am sure you saw the news about the 2 year old in Largo this week. Such a tragedy. Enjoy your time and your beautiful projects.

  7. That's one of the things I love about yarn - if you don't like what you're knitting, you can just rip and knit something else! No waste!

  8. Yum, that lilac/yellow is a beautiful color mix!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!