Monday, March 25, 2019

A Bit of Rib

  •  The body of the Nera is completed;  
  • the sleeve seams were sewn and I knit the front band.

And now for the ribbing on the hem-all 6" of the ribbing!!!

The cuff to cuff knit sweater is not my usual choice for a sweater but I think I'm going to like it!


  1. Interesting...looking forward to seeing the finished product!

  2. It's fascinating to see the process. I'm curious about the use of weights.

  3. Side to side sweaters are cool. Is this one being done on the machine?

  4. I've got a few cuff-cuff cardigans. Like you, it's not my favourite, but for some, it just works!

  5. I've made one of those cuff to cuff patterns and I loved it. It was a great fit. Then I washed it and ruined it. Who new Lion Brand Amazing would shrink like that. I thought it was all acrylic.

  6. Very interesting pattern; can't wait to see the finish.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!