Sunday, March 17, 2019

Who's Almost Done?

 I did a little bit of piecing yesterday on the new flannel blocks 
but mostly focused on finishing the owl quilt!
(It was hard to stand that long but I wanted it done.
 When I laid it out I could see the owls themselves bubbled out a bit too much.
There was too much unquilted space;  after a bit of thinking, I needed to do some free-motion quilting on the domestic machine with invisible thread.
 I folded the quilt and got the settings  all correct and Lena came to do a different kind of settling!
The whole point of free-motion is to freely move the quilt under the needle--she was not making this possible.
 Once she was sleeping in a better place, 
I managed to do some well placed lines on each owl and found it was just what needed to happen.
I did a column of owls before my shoulders knotted up so I will finish that on another day;
I'm not happy with the delay but it will be worth it!
 And I loaded up my neighbor's owl quilt!
I will do it similar to mine but not exactly-her sashing is so pretty framing each block, 
I want to highlight this feature.

This guy came for a visit.
His loud knock sure made both Lena and myself jump with a start!
He doesn't come to see how I am doing on any given project
as much as let me know he is ready for his morning's cracked corn!


  1. Oh my goodness that was a surprise! Is that some type of heron or stork? He just wanted to see his fellow fowl on the quilt!

  2. That is some visitor!!!
    Kitties and free motion do NOT go together. That is just too funny. I can't even imagine any of mine getting so close to the machine.

  3. OMG! What an awesome visitor!
    Kitties certainly aren't helpful with any kind of sewing!

  4. LOL, I'd say that the crane is a tiny bit spoiled. Good decision to outline the owls' features.

  5. The owls are going to be adorable! Take care of your body, it's the only one you have. Do you have a pet crane/heron? LOL

  6. Oh my gosh. I Love owls and I cannot believe that crane came right up to the door! My cats would be freaked I think.

  7. I like the extra details on the owls — nice. I chuckled at the mental picture of the crane getting your attention!

  8. Oh wow, what a funny visitor!! Love your kitties helping you in the quilt:) xx


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!