Monday, March 11, 2019

Far Reaching

 I found a way to get the bamboo stalks to stay put in the ground so I could 'arch' them!
I pounded a piece of pvc pipe into the ground and then pulled it up so it left a channel for the bamboo stem to rest!
 I did have a bit of a blood-letting along the way--this was the first of four to be exact.
 But it was so worth it!  I have a very organic arch over my muscadine grape vine!
I used waxed twine to secure all of the places where the arches cross each other.
I used the two kind of bamboo to make the arch;
I did find that the old canes were not useable-they just didn't bend.
(hmmm?  There is a lesson there to stay bendable no matter how old I am....)
 As soon as the vine starts to get leaves and 'wake up', I will be binding them to the bamboo to help it climb the way it likes. 
 I can see the arch from the house-it is a pleasing sight to finally have it;
just the way I envisioned it!
 The whole time I worked on the arch, I could smell the most wonderful orange blossoms' aroma!
It was a very enjoyable few hours!


  1. I love it!!! I miss my grape vine so much. Making your own jelly has to be one of the most satisfying things of all.

  2. Lovely! Years ago Fletch built a bamboo bridge over part of our wetlands spot. Bamboo is surprisingly strong. Hope you will share a picture again when the grape vine is climbing.

  3. Excellent idea! The grape vines are going to thrive.

  4. Hmmm... you're giving me ideas... I've been trying to think of a way to make a shaded area in my yard for my house plants (patio umbrellas just don't stand up to our weather. I was thinking some kind of canopy with runner beans growing up them (because they grow fast...) Bamboo might be the way to go!


  6. On my first read through I thought you were growing bamboo! It does make a nice arch though, but I hope your hands are healing well.

  7. Orange blossoms smell divine, enjoy!


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.