Saturday, March 2, 2019

A Quilt Out and About Again!

AQS Quilt week!
I have gone the last few years with my Mom
but since she couldn't winter here this year,
my neighbor, Millie, of the Shop Hop adventures, went with me!
 She has never gone to a large quilt show like this but soon got into the spirit of the day
 and let's just say, we have helped boost the economy!
This quilt was one of my favorites because the making of the quilt to represent two pages of a photo album to commemorate the maker's trip here!
  It has so many places that are recognizable to us!
Very clever design!
 Another beauty was this appliqued bird quilt that I selfied and sent to Mom!
After a bit of a nap, I woke to a naughty kitty
 and reached out to flick my fingertips at her 
and instead flicked the edge of the end table and bruised my knuckle but good!
  I tried a full popsicle for a splint but couldn't knit so I shortened it;
it works very well-no bending that knuckle but still a knitter!
And ending my day with
a bit of *Garterlac knitting while watching Big Dreams, Small Spaces
--Goodnight, Monty Don!

*Garterlac knitting is an easy way to learn how to do entrelac--
try this link.


  1. Oooh my, that appliquéd bird quilt is gorgeous!

  2. I always wanted to get Daddio out to a quilt show but I ran out of time.
    Ouch for the finger. I always keep a box of those metal splints sleeves on hand because I am always doing stuff like that. I need to wear boxing gloves all the time. Lol....

  3. I'd love to be able to applique like that!

  4. I haven't been to a quilt show yet. I'm terrified about how much economy boosting I might engage in!

    I thought I was the only one who banged herself up like that!

  5. My left hand ring finger often hurts when I knot too much and I have devised a mini splint just like yours to keep it straight enough to help, but I can still knit. Of course those full kntting days have not been seen by me in a long time! Hope you are better soon.

  6. Fun stuff — all except the finger!!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!