Saturday, August 10, 2019

Vintage Digging

 Mom and I have been digging through dresser drawers where treasures are buried!
This is crocheted lace from my grandmother which was rescued from a pair of pillow cases.
We all slept with her lace on our pillow cases!
 And I am so pleased Mom found these and gifted them to me because they go with the shadow box 
I made a few years (?) ago with the pic of my 4x great Aunt Louisa and her knitted lace--
these were her knitting needles! 
 Size people is 0000--these wires are SO tiny!  Amazing!
Now I have the whole story for that shadow box and that makes me so happy!
I will reunite them soon!
 So during one of our many memory lane conversations, 
I asked about this and so a'digging we went and found her-
Orphan Annie knitting spool
and it is even painted from her back, too!
To Mom's nearest estimation, this was her oldest sister's, 
who will be 90 this December so this girl has helped knit tubes (I-cords) for a long time. 
 Mom can remember knitting cords and stitching them into a spiral for a coaster 
to go on the table by her dad's chair. 
 (The very table she has in her own living room today by my dad's chair!)
I will make him a coaster and pass the tradition on, right?!


  1. How lucky you are that someone thought to save those things. My grandmother must have pitched all her mother's crafty things. All I have is her button box. She was a master quilter and weaver. What I would give to have her little Bakelite Weave It loom. She made the most beautiful afghans with it.

  2. Very cool finds! I can't imagine knitting on needles that fine. I can't wait to see them in the shadow box!!!

  3. Looks like you are having a grand time and finding all kinds of treasures.

  4. Treasures, indeed! My Mom saved things like that, too - preserving family history. I miss pillowcases with lace.

  5. oh that is the cutest knitting spool! Precious discoveries

  6. Fun@ Love that fancy knitting spool. Mine were only made from wooden spools back in the days before plastic.

  7. Oh what wonderful family treasures! I have my mom's button box and my grandma crochet hooks. She is the one who taught me to crochet so they mean a lot to me. I love that you can add the knitting needles to the photo frame. The knitting spool is wonderful too. Thank you for sharing your treasures with us.

  8. Great treasures. Such tiny needles!! I used to have one of those spool things as a kid. Made a ton of those tubes that I never did anything with! LOL


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