Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Going Bananas!

 I visited the pond in the way-back yard and was pleased to see how well the banana grove is doing!
There are several blooms with bananas growing. above them.
Another month or so and this one will be ready!
I have been monkeying around in the studio, too.
The piecing has begun now that all of the sashing and border sections have been cut out!


  1. So great! Bananas, pineapples....great produce!

  2. Your property is clearly a bit of paradise! Love the banana grove.

  3. Your own fresh bananas? That is so cool!!!

  4. Every single one of you who stitches and quilts amazes me. Over and over. They are all so clever!

  5. Bananas? I would be in heaven. I love bananas. The quilt is looking great too.


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.