Thursday, June 25, 2020

Grandparents to the Rescue!

 My saga started last week when my son fell off a roof he was working on-nearly a 20' fall.
After a thorough checking out-the only damage was to his left hand-he lacerated it when he tried to grab the roof  which was metal, and the edge was sharp.
So sharp he cut through the tendons of his middle two fingers.
This is how the ER sent him home with instructions to see the hand specialist.
 Surgery was to take place in Jacksonville today
but we got the ph call they moved it up a day and so we took an early morning
drive-an hour past Jax to watch the kids so he and his wife could go to the hospital!
 I did get to do some sock knitting!
 And a lot of time with these two!
We had T-storms so were mostly inside.
 I did get a few glimpses of this sweetie!
And the good news is by day's end,
youngest son, Caleb, was doing pretty good.
(food, nap, food and a pain pill sure helped!)
His humor was shining through --he was showing me his thumb still works!
If nothing else, he can always do puppetry!
He has a long recovery ahead of him.
PT begins on Monday.
He's been warned it will be grueling 
but worth it to get as much use of that hand as is possible.
Hands do NOT like to be tampered with like this!
How grateful we are that it is 'only' hand surgery .


  1. Oh, boy what a story! He is so lucky. It could have been so much worse but I am sure that hand is going to not be much fun for awhile.

  2. Praying that Caleb’s recovery and therapy go smoothly. The kitten is adorable.

  3. As tough as that is, it could have been so much worse! Glad surgery went well. Sending lots of good healing thoughts!

  4. Oh my gosh! Caleb is SO lucky. A 20 foot fall could have been so much worse. I'm glad that the surgery went so well. One good thing that came of it was that you got to spend time with grandkids. That's always a wonderful treat, but maybe it could have been arranged better, with no fall involved. lol
    What a sweet little kitty. I'll be adding Caleb to my prayer list. Our grandson's name is also Caleb who I pray for every day. I'll add your Caleb for quick healing.

  5. Do advise him to take the therapy extremely seriously. My BIL severed his thumb tendon and didn't do what was needed and it became locked. Several painful surgeries and therapy later ended the 2 year saga. Hope he recovers quickly!

  6. NOT the way you would hope to spend time with the grands!!

  7. Hand therapy is tough, hopefully he gets someone who really knows what they are doing. Good luck, so sorry he got hurt.


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