Sunday, June 28, 2020

Socks and Shawls

A new pair of socks are on the needles--in pink which will never go on my feet 
but I have plans for these when finished!
These are in a new-to-me yarn by LionBrand called Mani-Pedi 
in the colorway called Knees.
I have no idea what that means but there it is! 
 It is a 75% wool/25% nylon blend.
A good yarn so far!
And I have resurrected an old shawl project because I keep bombing out on the ones I choose
but so far this is going great and I can't think why I stopped knitting on it before hand!
It is called Odyssey by Joji Locatelli in some of my finely spun Shetland wool.
So far, so good!


  1. The specs on that first yarn made me sing “head and shoulders, knees and toes”! Lol

  2. Pretty in pink! Knees? That is odd. Good luck with the shawl. I now have only ONE thing on the needles and I don't know how I feel about that.

  3. I just wonder sometimes at the names people choose! LOL. I still have a shawl on the needles that would be done in a few days if I just knit on it! Oh well, the sewing is winding down for the wedding, maybe I will get to the shawl soon.

  4. You must be like me- Like knitting in pink, but don't wear a lot of pink. Also, I love Joji L's patterns. This will be nice.

  5. Lovely.
    I'm yearning to make a new shawl, just because!

  6. I love the color of the socks, I would definitely wear them! Well that is if I ever wore socks!

  7. Those socks are really nice. I ripped out my new shawl and I'm going to start it again with a different pattern. I just wasn't enjoying it and what fun is that?

  8. Love those socks! My Odyssey shawl is sitting in a bag. I'm at the point where I have finished except for the bind off...but I'm debating making it a little bigger.


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