Saturday, June 6, 2020

Rainy Day, Slow Start

 I've had fun placing the bowling gazing balls.  This one shows up so much by the corner of the driveway now.
 The blue pain is all gone so I tried the bronze but it does blend in too much with the mulch to show up.  I will try another place but it is hard to lug this thing around for long!
 The rain lilies are late this year-the striped ones are just opening up.
These have a beautiful light scent, too.
 The red ones are much longer established;  these plants stand 4' tall!
 The cloudy and rainy days make the ferns very happy!
And the desert rose (adenum) is in full glory!
I have youngest son and family here-they are enjoying golf cart rides in the drizzle but
we are hoping for a window of sunshine later on today!
Ta for now!


  1. How fun is that? I love your gazing balls. I would have never thought about using bowling balls.
    That desert rose!!!! My goodness. It's beautiful.

  2. The desert rose is gorgeous! Enjoy your guests.

  3. Wonderful gazing balls! Your flowers are all so beautiful.

  4. How fun are those balls! I have seen gazing balls before in yards but never knew what they were called until now. Your blooms are so pretty. Our ferns are having a good time with all this rain and heat too. I'm not.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!