Friday, April 30, 2021

Emerging Colors

The Muscadine grapevine is waking up beautifully--it is filling in its trellis nicely.  The bamboo frame has survived , I only needed to replace the jute twine which I wove between the uprights. 
 Now if only we can keep the racoons away from it when the grapes ripen!!!
I like the way my shadow was a triangle, too!
My Caladium are emerging and opening up to their own uniqueness--the light, 
the dark,
the Christmas-y and
and the late-to-the-party! 
 I don't remember for sure what color this one is!

Today I plan on doing some gardening (with a glove on), a bit of work at the lathe (with another kind of glove on) and quilting at the frame (without a glove!).
What's on your agenda for this day?


  1. Your grape trellis is really lovely. I miss mine. I used to make the best jelly every fall.

  2. Enjoy your day! I like your grape trellis.

  3. Your garden is looking great! Love your grape trellis (and your shadow:) )

  4. Laundry and more laundry will take up my time today.

  5. Your Caladium are beautiful. I'm holding off on buying any new plants until we have a place and I see how much room I have - but Caladium are definitely on the list!

  6. Such beautiful flowers. Piper and I were busy today putting shelves together and trying to hang another curtain rod together but I could NOT get it on the wall. For some reason the anchors wouldn't work. I've hung curtains on almost every other window with no problem, but not the last one! I've had my sweetie here for two nights now and tomorrow Piper, Mandy, my sister and her daughter and I are having a girls morning and getting our toes done! That sounds so fun. It's been years since I've done that.
    Take care.


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....