Monday, August 30, 2021


After church today, I stopped at Home Depot 
and bought some Behr Marquee paint in the color I thought
 I had picked out back in March! 
 Since I had the paint and a friend to paint it,
 I just went with it at the time
 but I haven't been thrilled with missing out
 on the sage green I wanted. 
 Well, this is the color I wanted and it's perfect.  I painted all day and will have the sore muscles tomorrow
 to prove it but I LOVE IT!  
Then in the evening I knit on the second sock, turned the heel and knit the ankle.  I am ready now to begin the leg ribbing. 
 I head to help Mary put the binding on her quilt today 
and I will bring the sock to work on while she stitches on the quilt!


  1. Isn't it wonderful when the colors we love work to enliven our homes!!! I love Mary's quilt, it is so pretty. And all the projects are just wonderful.

  2. Love that color. You have more energy than anyone I know. :-) The socks will be done before you know it. I have kept up on your posts but wasn't able to comment. Blogger doesn't like my phone! I think I'm back for the foreseeable future though.
    Blessings and hugs,


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The phlox are blooming along our highways!   So pretty and much better than mowing it all down! I've not done much but a little painting...