Saturday, August 21, 2021


 I've not done well with the sweaters I have started and abandoned for myself lately. 
 I saw this top-down kids sweater and I wanted to make it--so far so good!  That little bit of colorwork is done already
 but I will keep up the pace of this knit; 
 the color is pleasing!


  1. It's really cute! I've been enjoying working on small sweaters this summer too. They can still be a headache but at least they get finished quickly.

  2. That’s a fun change of pace!

  3. Kid stuff is ideal when you need a bit of a refresh!

  4. Great progress so far - looks like you're over the tricky pattern bit? Indeed, it's a lovely contrast. Hoping it gives you the oomph to re-start something for yourself.

  5. I've been having so much trouble with sweaters! Thanks for sharing your own struggles. This new one is looking great.

  6. I am into 9" of the skirt of a toddler dress, round and round on 204 sts. With cotton yarn. I need a movie marathon! LOL

  7. That is such a pretty start to the sweater. I finished the mini-socks for Piper's advent calendar yesterday and made three baby hats. (It's been too hot to be outside at all.) I'm trying to decide what to make next. All I want to make is baby blankets and hats! :-) But, I really need to get started on the ornaments I try to make most years for our family.
    Blessings and hugs,

  8. It looks lovely, great color choice. I am not a fan of colorwork because it takes up too much of my brain power. you have done a wonderful job. Stay safe.

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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!