Friday, August 20, 2021


Wednesday night when we came out of church the moon was perfectly framed through the tall pine trees in the woods across from where we park-it was amazing to see!
Yesterday, my friend came over to load up her first quilt top
 and I gave her a crash course on machine quilting!!! 
 She did beautifully!
This is her quilt...
Here is a glimpse of the panto she is using.
I finished the last three jars for my Jar Collection quilt. 
 Today, I will sew on all of the blocks, sashing and borders.


  1. How nice to share the sewing fun with a friend! The jar quilt is very cool!

  2. Lovely to see your jars quilt moving along. I'm sure your friend was very pleased to have your help and resources; I had no idea such big macninery was involved!

  3. What a sweet little jar quilt. It's so nice of you to share your love of quilting with your friend. It looks as though she's doing a great job with her first quilt.

  4. Yippee for roping in another quilter!! Can't wait to see it finished. Love the moon shot.

  5. Dave and I were out putting stuff in his car last night (he had to head to his Grandma's early this morning) and the moon was so bright and beautiful.

    The colours in your friend's quilt are beautiful, and I just love those jars

  6. That jar quilt is just too adorable for words!
    Moon? What is We haven't seen it for weeks. It's been raining every night and the tree canopy is so lush and full this year it blocks out every bit of sky. We're going to have to do some serious pruning this winter. We are suffocating in this little valley we live in.

  7. How fun to have a friend to quilt with you. Was she also your shopping buddy?

  8. I have just found your blog and had to comment. I made a jar quilt just like that (including the brown and blue fabrics!) years ago, and I did put animals in it! It was an I Spy quilt for my grandson and people loved the elephant in one of the jars!

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  10. YAY!!! The jars!!! I love it!! it is going to look so great!!

  11. That is one impressive quilting machine! Love your jars. It will be a fun quilt.


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The phlox are blooming along our highways!   So pretty and much better than mowing it all down! I've not done much but a little painting...