Monday, August 23, 2021


The female Sago Palms look like this around here-the top know looks like a brain!  It is the size of a basketball on top of this 3' high plant while the branches cover a 6' diameter;  the fronds are not soft, on the contrary-each tip is needle sharp!  But you have to admire this plant-it is very prehistoric looking!
I spotted this knot on a tree-it is called a burl--
it's a thrill to turn on a lathe!  
I have plans for this burl and it will end up on my lathe soon! 
This is a century plant-a member of the agave ( Asparagaceae) family.  This plant is 6" tall and just as wide. 
 This, too, has a needle tip on each of its leaves!
This is a grapefruit bowl--it has striping and orange from the molding and spalting that grows in a dying tree.
Wood turners appreciate the color 
and design this brings to the finished results!
 This bowl is 5 1/2" across and 4" high. 
 I love the ease of making this kind of bowl; 
 it is pleasing on every level!


  1. Such a pretty bowl - love the orange in it. I spot a number of burls on trees in Valley Forge. Interesting.

  2. How pretty! That bowl is really unique. Those are some pretty crazy plants you have down there in Florida. It's like a whole different world.

  3. We have none of those plants either in Spokane or here in Nebraska. It's fun to learn about them. Every time I see an interesting piece of wood I tell Dennis that I'm sure you would love to turn it! The bowl is gorgeous and I love the different colors. Each one is so unique.

  4. I bet knowing what you can make with certain woods makes you think about trees a lot different. Very cool bowl

  5. Interesting plants. The grapefruit wood bowl is a beauty.

  6. I can see the utility of a grapefruit bowl, even though I've never heard of that before. And it is gorgeous!

  7. Such a very useful article. Very interesting to read this article.I would like to thank you for the efforts you had made for writing this awesome article. plr


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....