Wednesday, August 4, 2021


I enjoyed a slow day today, not because I was sick but because it rained most of the day!  It was nice to just be.  I worked on the Casablanca afghan and completed the  requirements for the month which was four blocks and three rows of borders to the central square.  Nice to have all of the numbers right, too!
And I pushed myself to work on a new painting--loose they say, is the style.  I struggle with this the same way I struggle with random scrap quilts!  Who knew I was such a control freak in my creativity!  This is only step one-
I will work on building on the details 
and build the painting in layers-well, at least, that is the plan!  



  1. I love rainy days... and I love your creativity!! xx

  2. Sometimes rainy days feel like just what the doctor ordered! I do love those afghan squares - so pretty and they still remind me of the Southwest (color-wise).

  3. I enjoy reading on rainy days; however, rainy days are fairly rare in these parts anymore.

  4. I love those blocks!
    I picked up my watercolors again this week. I have the same problem you have. I want to overwork everything instead of just letting it flow. If anyone ever needs a photo of what not to do with watercolor I'd be more than happy to supply them with a


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