Tuesday, August 10, 2021


I did some alterations  to several dresses that needed a bit of tweaking!  Mainly hemlines but on this dress which used to be floor length, I shortened it to knee length and used some of the cut off fabric to make a belt and some loops.  The dress was just to plain and hung too straight and needed something to break up the look--this does it perfectly!
To aid me in making the belt, I used this tube turner that is one of those tools that when you need it, 
you are very glad you have it! 
  In seconds, the 2 1/2 yd belt was pulled through to the right side and then pressed to look just as it should!  


  1. Nice job! It is so satisfying to do that type of mending, isn't it?

  2. That is a handy tool. I've used a long knitting needle before only to poke a hole in my material.

  3. Brilliant wardrobe solution, Cindy!! As for those turners... I can never make them work for me. :o((

  4. Oh - that turner is just brilliant! I usually use a straight knitting needle, but it's tedious!


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