Monday, August 9, 2021


My view on most Sunday afternoons;  
a YouTube how-to video and knitting 
until I fall asleep for a little nap.  
The time of quiet rest is a way for me to recharge each week.
I did finish the second sock of the waffle-legged socks! 
 I used #2.5mm needles, HobbyLobby sock yarn in the colorway Blue Vapor.  I have enough yarn leftover 
so I can start the second Barbie doll dress
which I will send to my young grand-nieces soon enough!
 In the yarn bowl, you can see the skein
 I will soon begin to knit into another pair of socks!
The next pair of socks is always ready!


  1. Always good to have a project lurking in the background ready to be started. Pretty colors!

  2. ❤️ the speckles of color in this yarn!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!