Saturday, August 3, 2019

A New Sweater

The back of the sweater came off the knitting machine pretty easily today.
So when my daughter and children left,
I cast on for the front;
since the sleeves are already finished,
soon I would be able to stitch the parts together and add ribbing to the neckline.
The back and sleeves are seen here with the 1/2 pattern I use to 'guide' me
through the stitches to increase or decrease as needed.
It is a happy marriage between my garment construction and knitting skills.
Here is the happy crew just before they left;
smiles cover the sadness of the parting!
We will plan a visit to Georgia to see them in a few months, Lord willing!


  1. The leaving is always the hardest. I confess, when my son and grandkids left last Sunday, I shed a few tears.
    Your knitting machine is amazing. I can't believe how fast you can make a sweater with that thing. Bravo!

  2. Departures are easier to handle when you have another visit planned.

  3. Hope those months fly by so you can see your kiddos soon.

  4. I can't wait to see that sweater made up!

  5. hugs to you. OH the day Zach flies to Mexico there will be tears. Not from him!!! Im trying to plan a meet up in 10 weeks so I can not miss him so.

  6. Love her quilt blocks and the socks are def bright! Can't wait to see the sweater style.

  7. Thanks for a wonderful visit! 💙💙


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