Monday, November 25, 2019

Quilting Group

This is the project I brought
to work on during quilting group.
It is the Mystery Quilt -A-Long from Alycia Quilts.
(thanks to this post from Nancy)
I need to catch up in time for the new 'hour'
revealed on Wednesday.
Look at the new gadget I have to make my
sewing easier on the portable machine I take to class--

a sewing table to give me a larger sewing area.
It's a Sew Steady JR Table
customized for your machine from Sewing Machine Plus.


  1. My sister has one of those and I love using it when I visit her. I need to trim and squared my Hour 2 blocks before Wednesday's clue.

  2. That's a neat new tool. Have fun quilting!

  3. Neat gadget. I love that my machine is set in a "cabinet" as they call them. That extra space, level with the machine makes all the difference.

  4. That is so cool!!! I put my iron on my last sewing machine "table" and warped it. I am glad to know things like that exist in case I do something dumb like that again. Luckily I still had the extension from Dad's machine and it worked just fine.

  5. A handy tool to have. I am going to keep that in the back of my mind... might be a good option until I get a recessed table again. Did you get the carrying case for taking it to group or do you just stick it in a bag?

  6. I wanted to join in her sew along, but I am doing Bonnie Hunter's so I didn't want too many things going at once. Will enjoy through you! I have one of those tables for my home machine, but never even thought to get one for my class machine! Off to see what I can find.


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