Friday, November 15, 2019

Quilts and Spinning

 First up is a change of mind--as I pulled this out to load up on the frame 
I realized I didn't like  the proportions;  it was too long and narrow!
 So I took the bottom row off and then dug through the stash to find a border print.
After a few alterations, I will be able to load it up again!
 So instead I loaded up one of the other tops to work on.
I have plenty to chose from still!
And lastly, to show you that you can make progress 
even if you only do something for a few minutes a day (15) 
I have spun 2 ounces after not touching any spinning since the Tour de Fleece in July!
This fiber is Polworth, which is a very soft, brown wool. 
 A joy to spin.  
I have 8 ounces total which will be enough to knit a vest, most likely.


  1. So many little time!!

  2. Love the soft pastel prints. The blue border will look nice with them.

  3. Some times you have to make it just right.

  4. I LOVE Polwarth. It's probably my favorite wool. I've been doing the same thing with my spinning, a little bit every day. It is amazing how much you can get done that way. I'm almost done my autumn braid and there is still plenty of autumn left.

  5. Both of those quilts are beautiful. I really like the soft colors. I used to spin before my back issues, but I never spun Polwarth. It looks so soft.

  6. Oh I wore my vest yesterday and it was nice and warm. Love your quilts

  7. I like the redo much better. As to progress, maybe I should use that theory on the 4 hats I need to have done by Dec 24th?


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 Knocked down with another migraine this week-let's add vertigo and vomiting with this one!  Fun. Marsel bought me this pad of watercolo...