Tuesday, November 26, 2019


 During quilt group, I managed to finish sewing all of the half square triangle blocks
they do all have to be trimmed to exact size.
 I also completed the second hat for a grandson
but it did take a bit longer to bury all of those ends!
It was worth it though, because now they are both done-
similar but not exact just the way their dad likes it!


  1. Those hats are great! but, what a lot of ends!!!

  2. I'm still trimming, too. I'll do the last set today to be ready for tomorrow's clue.

  3. You mean there's no trimming Fairy and weaving Elf? The hats are perfect for brothers!

  4. Love the hats! Weaving in ends is such a pain. It's the one thing I hate about colorwork.

  5. Those are great hats. I always weave in the ends as I go because I hate doing it. It makes the finish much more pleasant but I really don't like doing it. :-)

  6. I hope the trimming fairy visited while you slept! Lol! Love the stripes on the hats.


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My faithful friend, Mary, came again to sit with me-she brought some fabric and foundation paper piecing papers so we could make a table run...