Sunday, July 5, 2020

Mystery QAL Finished!

I finished the quilting in no time when using a 14" pantograph, the quilting goes quickly!
Lena offered to lay in the middle of the quilt while I was binding it so it wouldn't fall off the table.
How considerate!
 42 x 56  Mystery QAL by DaysFilledwithJoy
 I used the seashell panto which isn't immediately apparent on the front...
 but really shows on the back!
And the frame isn't empty!
I loaded the last of the queue--


  1. It turned out just lovely! Kitty looks mighty

  2. It is gorgeous. Well done my friend.

  3. Beautiful quilt! Luna provides great contrast with the color of her fur and the blues in the quilt.

  4. I love, love, love this one. Especially after the washing. How I wish I were a quilter and make an identical one. :-). Lena is such a help. Just what would we ever do without our fur babies guiding us along in our crafting?

  5. I'm saving a picture of that pattern! simple but lovely!

  6. What a beautiful quilt! I am in awe of you folks who can operate a long arm!


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.