Sunday, July 12, 2020

Work is Play

 While the Bill and Eli worked on the tractor to spread the wood chips out back,
 filling in low spots and building upon the wet areas, 
 Ella and I did some sewing.  We traced the right size pattern pieces, pinned them on the chosen fabric and did some real sewing machine sewing!  Once we had the babies pj's made,
Ella declared she had to have a hat!
She is ready for our next outfit-she wants to make her a dress!
I think we have a budding seamstress in the house!


  1. I had to look twice because I thought that was a real baby! Lol.....

  2. Baby looks quite cozy in her jammies! She definitely needs a dress!

  3. I almost thought that was a real baby. Good job to the two of them. Spreading wood chips and sewing. You're teaching them things that will come in handy when they're older.


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