Monday, July 20, 2020

Botanical Prints

 I've saved an old calendar for ages and finally feel able to tackle painting the prints.
The technique I am using (a fine marker and water colors ) is called 'Line and Wash'.
This one is the Clematis.
And this one is labeled with  the fun name of Butterfly Lilies!

I'm going to try to paint through the whole calendar
but I have several favorites that are not included (poppies and lily of the valley!)
which I will add as incentive to keep on with the study!


  1. How lovely!! Definitely frame worthy.

  2. You did a fabulous job! Those are really lovely!

  3. I admire you and your talent. My sister paints watercolors and she too, has such talent. She completely loses herself when she is painting. It is so good for her as a busy Veterinarian

  4. Oh those are so pretty. I wish I could paint. I think you're amazing each time I see something that you painted.


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