Sunday, July 19, 2020

Squares and Hexagons!

Fat Quarters become hexagons!
I used the scraps from the hexies to fill in the triangle
spaces for this layout.
The piecing this way has no Y-seams.
  I discovered a small pile of boy flannels my daughter had given me quite a while ago
and so I have begun cutting them up into 6 1/2" squares.
This one looks busy but the blocks are all things that  'go!'
which a boy will enjoy!
As you can see, I have enough flannel for 3 more quilts 
which will go to the donation pile soon enough!


  1. Themed-fabric quilts are so much fun! ...and the purples are gorgeous.

  2. How fun are those!

  3. I love busy quilts, so I think your "things that go" quilt is awesome!

  4. Love it. I have to start cutting up my flannel scraps for use.

  5. Very fun fabrics my friend. Stay safe.

  6. I just pulled out some tumbler shapes a friend destines. Now I have 4 rows of 9 each and will cut strips of off white to separate them and then border the top for a baby sized quilt. Well, as soon as I get my lazy butt out of the chair and go cut some fabric! LOL Love the hexies.

  7. Those fabrics are wonderful! They will be very loved by the perfect child. I love themed quilts.


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