Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Wednesday Weeds

 This is the tiger lily from seed from my Dad in NY.  
It is blooming again and more buds are forming!  
Always a favorite of mine--they used to be all along my southern side of the farm house;
they always bloomed in July, too.
 In several places throughout our yard,
the aloes are in bloom!
Always striking on their tall stalks.
 Recently I shared the photo of the tortoise--this is what he was eating-
the ripening pig-nosed plums.
They are very bitter but do blend with other berries to make a good jam;
I will take their word for it! lol
I did finish the vintage paintbrush churn dash quilt!
It is even bound-and is now in the washer.
And I did manage to  quilt this today so I will be loading another quilt on the frame soon.
This one will get its binding today, too.
I cut a vry colorful binding fabric which will bring that riot of color to the edge
which will be a good accent, I think.


  1. What beautiful, cheerful tops! The last one looks like a stained glass window.

  2. I love tiger lilies! And, I don't think I've ever seen an aloe flower - striking! The quilt tops are so pretty.

  3. Beautiful quilts, and of course, I love that lily!

  4. ❤️ the finished quilts, especially the last one. I had no idea that aloe had blooms - interesting.

  5. Beautiful flowers and beautiful quilts! You accomplish so much each day.

  6. I like both of your quilts. But I really love the primary color one! So cheery. I didn't know that aloe plants bloomed. How pretty.

  7. I've had the same Target in California compromise my Debit card TWICE! So, is it the bank or the Target? Love the recent quilts, one wonders what the next quilt you are loading on the frame?


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