Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Feelin' Blue-In a Good Way!

One of the elderly ladies at church thought she would like some small mitts, \if I would be willing to make her blue ones!
  I dyed the sock blank I had knit in double strand 
to have a pair of matching socks.  
I will make a mitt with one strand
 and then use the other strand to knit the other; 
 this way I will be able to have the remaining blank for socks still!  
The colors are tie-dye pretty 
and it will be interesting to see how it knits up!
Can you guess who came to visit yesterday? 
 How wonderful to see these guys!

Birthday yarn is becoming a hat!  
It's good to have several knitting projects on the needles. 

 I made the boys a snow man and they painted them all by themselves

--pics after the snowmen get noses! lol



  1. I didn’t know Wool Ease came in a hand-dyed version. The mitts knit from the sock blank will be pretty.

  2. Such fun! Today is baking day for me, so no crafts!

  3. I really like that dyed blank and it will be fun to see how the mitts turn out. That you'll still have enough for socks is a definite plus too! I'm so jealous that you had visitors. Pictures of Miss Piper and my other two grands are all well and good but I want to get my hands on them! Grandma hugs and all of that good stuff. :-)
    Have fun with all of your projects. I'm itching to start making a sweater for Dennis, but I have lots of little things happening, and I want to cross-stitch...... You know how it goes.

  4. What a pretty blue! It reminds me of the blue I just saw in a photo I was just texted. Daughter saw a bluebird in her yard this morning and had me look it up for her. It was an Eastern Bluebird. It was so pretty. I have never seen one. She said two of them were actually out there.

  5. What a beautiful shade of blue. The mitts will be gorgeous!


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.