Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Life on 'Pause'

My Camellia bush has so many double blooms--they are so beautiful.  
I am still in creative limbo.  
Even thinking of creative thoughts hurts. 
 I sleep well with my knitting on my lap.  
With a cat.
  It could be so much worse so I will just consider 
this an intense rest therapy to fuel me up
 for next year.....starting in two days!


  1. Carlos of the knitting duo Arne and Carlos still suffers from brain fog from his bout with Covid in the summer. Arne lost his curls! They are just now starting to come back. It's such a weird virus.

  2. That sounds very kind to yourself to be able to nap, rest whenever your body needs it, and embrace the fact that this is how it is right now. Hoping you gently recover and creative thoughts begin to flow again.

  3. Rest, rest, rest. Everyone I know who has had Covid says that’s the best thing that you can do. Drink lots of fluids and rest. Hang in there! I’m praying for you.
    Blessings and love,

  4. Don’t rush your recovery - the body needs rest, food, and hydration.

  5. Hope you are ok (and Bill too). Take Care!!! Rest!! Pamper yourself!!

  6. Often it is our body's way of telling us, slow down!!! Hope you are better soon.

  7. Sometimes, one just has to take a step back and rest for a while. To sort of recuperate in mind, body and spirit. You do what you need to do for YOU. Sending you and Bill blessings and prayers for all around wellness!


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