Saturday, December 12, 2020


Someone spent the night in the garage! 
 See him up there on the door rail?
I opened the other door and he found his way out---but when  I was out to work at the lathe, I could hear birds squawking--he had to be young because he was hanging out in the flowers and two cats had heard him, too!  I chased away the cats until finally he took flight and parents went with him so peace reigned!
I took a piece of cedar from the stack, cut the log in half lengthwise, 
drew my circle, and cut it out on the bandsaw.
You can see how I used the middle of the cut section for the bowl blank.
and this is where I cut the circle! 
 Looks like a secret carved out book or rock to hide the key in! lol
Everything was going well 
until that bothersome crack I tried to glue together, let loose!
(the experts do it and it holds....!)
 I just cleaned up the area and walked away.....

Sometimes, bowl-blows happen!


  1. Sorry, not fun...but I will say that when I first saw it, I could see a design element...could you make the rim of the bowl wavy (even asymmetrically so)? I don’t know enough about technique to know if it’s even possible! Beautiful coloring and woodgrain.

  2. I found a baby cardinal on the deck once and kept him in my bathroom until he could fly well enough to be released. I was surprised he let me hand feed him. I had done that with my parrot years before so I knew what to do. I ground up my bird's kibble and he thrived on it. I cried my eyes out when I released him back in the woods of the wetlands. Every time I see I cardinal I think of little "Twitter".

  3. I did not know you had cardinals that far south!

  4. At first I thought, "what a shame," but you know what? I see a yarn bowl there. Seriously. I think it would be beautiful.

    I'm so glad the little cardinal flew away safely. I know it's normal for cats to go after birds, but it always breaks my heart when I see it.


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