Thursday, December 10, 2020

Distractions and Attractions!

Remember this?  
My favorite knitting machine? 
 I cast on some Christmas colors for a scarf-double sided, 
seamed down the long side! 
 I haven't had a good time on the last sweater months ago
 so it has been in time out .  I hope to declare success in a few days!
Mostly I did mundane jobs like pruning the dead plants and flowers in the yard but there was also moments like this--packing my old vintage knitting machine because it is sold and of course, I have to ship it.  
That's okay, I have sold 3 of the 4 items for sale 
and made enough to buy the bandsaw so it's all good,, right ?!
I made only one new block-the blue one for the top row-
the one I made reversing the colors!
After doing a bit of decorating the front porch, changing out the usual for the special, yesterday, 
 I was ready for some simple, quick projects for my knitting. 
 I made two of Valorie's gnome hats but am having trouble finding the small fur pom-poms on-line, so will get creative in the sewing room today.  

But not until after I teach a friend how to knit!  
She is coming for a visit to learn how-
last year I taught her how to crochet and she didn't enjoy it. 
 So now we are going to try knitting-beginning on the Christmas bells!


  1. You have so much going on! I wish I could get out all my toys I have packed away for the remodel mess. If I could get something on the loom I know I would feel better about all this isolation. In a few weeks we will be back to cutting and stacking wood and that will take up a lot of time. Who knew last winter what this winter would bring. I still can't believe it sometimes.

  2. I got my pompoms on ebay - they were coming from China, so they took a while though.

  3. Hope your friend enjoys the knitting.

    Congrats on selling the machine. It's nice to be able to get something you really want and not spend "your" money.

  4. How wonderful to sell your unneeded/outgrown knitting machine and invest the money in a new piece of equipment. It’s a win-win for all involved.

  5. Good for you in making the money for the saw. Dennis always tells me to get what I want but I don't like to spend money on myself. You have so many fun pieces of equipment. Someday I would like a knitting machine so I can make things for charity quicker.

  6. I'm not sure what size pom poms I have, so I may have to enlarge the hat for my gnome. But first, I have to find the pom poms! Yay on selling toys to buy new toys! I daren't dream of a knitting machine just yet, the quilting machine is too new. But then I also want a serger again, so who knows what might find it's way here next year.

  7. My gnomes are in line to be next year's Christmas project. By then I should have the poms also from China and the beads as well.(Thank you Valerie for the link!) Next year I promise to start earlier, too!


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