Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Jam Packed Day!

So I thought I could make a 'design element' out the the chip in the bowl but I ended up with this!  Note to self-when there is a crack that runs through the whole bowl, let it go straight to the firewood bin!  
Discouraged? No, I learned a good lesson
 and wasn't hit when the bowl half let loose!

The I made a large 8" snowman for my shelf .....but he, too, has a secret!
I learned about green wood...and drying wood, and how cracks grow a lot over a few days.  Discouraged? No, because it adds character to this guy and now I know that wood needs to dry out a month or so
 before turning it into a finished object!
I went into the sewing room 
and finished the border of holly leaves and berries! 
 It was finished in no time
 and now it is waiting for me to put the binding on.
Instead, I pieced the finished star blocks, added them to the top and bottom of the panel, added a very narrow strip to each side to even out the measurements and then loaded it onto the frame.....
only to find out that the backing was too narrow by several inches! 
 I had to pull the backing off the frame and add a strip to one side to make it wide enough and then loaded it on the frame again! 
 In no time, I had it loaded and quilted several rows of the Baptist Fan panto.  I hope to finish it today!
 On the needles is a pair of mittens...one done and the second is on the way!  


  1. Wow! Glad you were not hurt when the bowl broke. So much going on! and it is ALL fun.

  2. We all probably have a few cracks in us. LOL!

  3. Oh, dear but I guess with something as complicated as wood working there is a steep learning curve. Kitty seems pretty comfortable. My kitties won't even come into the room when I have the machine going.

  4. Well darn! Sorry about the bowl. The snowman is perfect just the way he is. We all have issues of some sort. His are a few cracks! :-). Lena seems to be telling you to "hang in there Mom!" Love the mitten too! It's perfect.

  5. Experience is a wonderful teacher . . .

  6. Bummer! The wood is still beautiful, even in pieces... Love the colors of the mittens!


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The Fringe tree is a little late this year  but it has been very dry so it will not be in bloom long!  This type of tree is called hysterant...