Tuesday, December 29, 2020


 I had a lot of knitting time yesterday...
I went in to be tested for Covid since I am feeling sick.
It feels like I have the flu but the test came back negative.
Then the doctor's office called to say they believe
it is a false negative and that to be most accurate,
the test must be given 48-72 hours after the symptoms first appear.
Therefore, I am to repeat the test on Wednesday and stay isolated until that time which is fine with me because I don't feel well.
I am going to knit on Bill's socks,
nap, repeat.
Bill is not worse but doesn't feel well either.
This is what Covid looks like right now--
like the flu;
an unwelcome guest who needs to be evicted.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. So sorry to hear you are feeling unwell. hope its not covid, or, if it is, that it doesn't hit you too hard Sock-kitting and napping sounds like the best cure to me! Take care, Jillxo

  3. That is what happened to my sister when her husband got it first. She tested negative when she tested with him but then got very sick a few days later. She never did get tested again because at that point she was too sick to get to a testing center by herself and they just assumed she had it. They told her to get a pulse ox and monitor their oxygen levels. It probably saved her husbands life and her sanity. It took them three months to be well so take your time and go slow.
    Take care.

  4. Take care of yourselves! Five weeks into it, my mother is still feeling pretty crummy. Of course, she is 84, and that makes a big difference.

  5. Sorry to hear both you and Bill feel crummy. I hope you both feel better soon.

  6. Praying for your and Bill's health and comfort! Just began reading your blog a few days ago, have added you to my blog list. I've truly enjoyed seeing all your woodworking projects - love all of it! Blessings to you!

  7. I am so sorry to read this :(. It must be a very anxious and tiring time. Sending warmest good wishes for swift recoveries for you both.

  8. I am SO sorry to hear this. Please keep us updated and I will be praying for you both daily. It is such an isidious illness and affects everyone so differently. Take good care and get lots of rest.

  9. Take it easy! I hope you are both feeling better soon.

  10. Oh feel better soon - and I hope its just an easy case of whatever it is - and you are up and feeling well soon!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!