Tuesday, August 24, 2021


Since I was in the kitchen all day--really, all day!--I had this pretty bloom in the window to enjoy!
I made two batches of Muscadine Jelly which meant that I had to make a wash a batch of grapes, cook it down, drain it out for the juice, wash the pan, back to the pan to then make the jelly and then into the washed jars!  I did this twice!  I did put an old movie on and tried to enjoy the process!
I did have every jar seal but the pint in the back will go into the fridge to eat now because I didn't have enough jelly to fill it all the way!  I did sample some and it is delicious!
Once I finished the jelly, I ate lunch and then began peeling the Sand pears and slice them up.  This goes into a pan the same way that I make applesauce-with a bit of water and sugar and then cook it down.  The big difference is that the pears take hours to cook down-with a lot of stirring in every little bit to be sure all is well!  
After putting it through the strainer, I have a large bowl of pear sauce.    I have another 5lbs of grapes to cook for jelly but I didn't have any more jar lids!  I hope to find some more today.  I also want to try to make some pear jam-thanks for the idea, Dee.  Of course, I will have to wing it for the recipe but I'm pretty sure I can do it!
Oh, and I even put a casserole together so I could have it for dinner;  a pretty painless way to provide sustenance!  


  1. Such a pretty African Violet! The jam and the pear sauce looks delicious. Canning can be a HOT business though!

  2. That's a busy but productive day in the kitchen!

  3. What a day you had in the kitchen! So productive. I would love to be there, sampling everything. I want to get an african violet soon. I can imagine how pretty it will be. Is your kitchen window north facing? I'm trying to figure out where to put one.

  4. I was just thinking about your muscadines! I was using your dibber to move some excess sweet potato vines and was thinking, “I wonder when muscadine ripens”. What size lids do you need regular or wide? You are so blessed to have the sand pears, I have been hearing wonderful things about used for them like pear salsa as well as the pear sauce. -Jessa

  5. Canning jams and jellies is time-consuming and messy, but the taste of summer in winter is worth it. Enjoy that partial jar of jelly on some toast.

  6. It is such a good feeling to have some jelly put up for the winter. I miss it every fall.

  7. Oh, lots of lovely kitchen goodness! Jelly too! And a lovely African Violet to cheer you on :) xx

  8. I believe we will all be over later this week for tea and jelly on some yummy bread. Looks delicious.


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....