Saturday, August 7, 2021


I've started a new tutor on this one-all on my own.  I do love the drawing step a lot.
I cut a bunch of blocks and sewed them together--only three more rows to go!  I ran out of design wall room so I put the first five rows aside to keep going!  The end is in sight!  
I had to work hard to get the 'log' onto the lathe-I  had to use a tool to get a level spot to put the 'faceplate ' screwed in place--of course, the drill's battery died midway through and I had to wait for it to charge!  Then I had to cut the corners of the log off with the  reciprocating saw because it was too big for my bandsaw and Bill wasn't home to use the chainsaw!  

It took forever to get the 'log' round but I did it and even made the tenon (this is the bottom of the bowl) and I will be holding this tenon in the chuck so I can then hollow out the bowl portion.
There are some punky spots in the wood so a good coat of shellac overnight will harden these spongy spots so that I can sand the outside of the bowl before I turn it around.  The grain is impressive--I'm excited about that!  The wood is a hardwood and that means that I have to sharpen my bowl gouge often!  I'm looking forward to what I tackle today!


  1. You really showed that wood who was boss!!!

  2. After the drill battery draining one too many times in the middle of a job, Dave went out and bought another drill just like it. As soon as one dies, it goes on the charger, and he has an already charged one ready to use. No more down time!

  3. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything made of Hickory before, but I love the grain and color of the bowl you’re creating.

  4. What wonderful projects you've been up to while I was away from my blog reading. Love the Fox painting!!!

  5. You have been so busy and creative, I love that you have a wide expanse of projects to choose form and you are so talented with each of them.


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Remember last summer when Bill and I built the 'old ladder lattice' and planted wisteria at the two sides?  Well, there are flowers!...