Saturday, March 25, 2023


We visited 4 shops yestertoday, had lunch and forgot to take a single picture!  lol  This is my haul for yesterday;  many pieces which you will see highlighted in a quilt in the near future!
Today we are off to deliver my son's boat back to him after he had a new-used engine installed!  (the repairman is near us)
Bill could've taken it up yesterday while I was at the Hop but I am so grateful he waited so I can go and see the whole famiy!  I might even get to go on a boat ride on the intercoastal--
I don't do ocean boating!!!!


  1. Look at all of those fun goodies. Oh, a boat ride! I would love to be there with you, (if you got to go.) I even love ocean boating when the weather is good. I hope you had a grand time with your family.

  2. What wonderful goodies!!! Can't wait to see what this quilt will be!


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.