Wednesday, March 1, 2023


I had the pleasure of working at the lathe the other day!  I cut off all of the branches and bark to form a bowl from the crotch of this alder tree piece.  It felt good to let the chips fly again.
There are several interesting parts to this section which will be creative to work around to form this bowl.
I hope to mostly make it look like a 'fish bowl' 
but including the many features or imperfections!  
I also worked with Bill to set up this raised bed garded area for me to plant some vegetables-I will be planting today! 
 The perfect activity to do on March 1st!


  1. It will be exciting to watch the gardening experiment progress!

  2. What veggies are you planning to grow? Looking forward to seeing the finished "fish bowl."

  3. I need to figure out some kind of raised bed thing too. I just might have enough sun with the trees we took down to grow something. A few tomato plants would be nice.

  4. Excellent! I'm hoping to start some seeds this weekend

  5. About this time every year, this old farm girl gets the “itch” to get my hands dirty and dig in the soil. Few things are more satisfying than growing and nurturing plants.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!