Tuesday, March 21, 2023


This batch of rocks is on its last week-next week will be the big reveal!  I have chert, petrified wood and some other fun rocks!
This was the mystery mix from the RockShed--oh, so pretty after only one week of tumbling!
As long as we are in Spring now, I thought I would show you my veggie beds--and I have green poking up all over!  
Look hard and you can see the beans here!  See-we don't have soil here-we have sand with lots of decaying material in it!  Very different to work with but I have high hopes!
The last block is finished!  Now I have to decide how to attach them to each other--I'm pretty sure I will be crocheting the blocks together--it is easiest and looks good, too.  
I'm off to Quilting Group today; I made some
 machine/ hand needle cushions for the original four of us! 
 I made it out of canvas squares filled with walnut shells.  
The lines are inked on with permanent marker.
  The pile of threads are from the 'fringing' I did to the sides!



  1. Your little needle cushions are so cute! I keep meaning to buy some crushed walnut shells to put in some - do you buy them off amazon or something ?

  2. So exciting to have things starting to grow in your garden boxes!! -Marsel

  3. Look at those wee little beans! I just planted my seeds on the weekend. Starting somethings indoors for the new veg beds.

  4. Ooh, so pretty! So, what will you do with the rocks? Love the pincushions you made, very good at keeping track of needle sizes.

  5. I am so envious of your veggie beds. I've got the itch to grow something-anything. I was going to go all in out front this year but The Mister's impending surgery put the ca-bosh on that. If I get some annuals in a pot I'll be lucky.

  6. The rocks are certainly pretty. I love the petrified wood.

  7. Looks like you are keeping busy! It would be fun to see those rocks in person.

  8. Tomorrow those beans will be reaching far into the sky. It amazes me how fast beans grow.
    Your rocks are beautiful. It's amazing how such dull, unassuming rocks can be so filled with light and sparkles after polishing!
    Those cushions are so cute. I love how you fringed them and thought of that pattern.


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The Fringe tree is a little late this year  but it has been very dry so it will not be in bloom long!  This type of tree is called hysterant...