Sunday, March 26, 2023


The repairs were finished on son's boat engine so we took a drive up to Fernandina Beach to deliver it to them!  The weather turned out much warmer and dryer than what was predicted and we headed out for a test drive!
We unloaded a bit north of them on the intercoastal near 
where it empties into the ocean.
Some others were out appreciating the day and the fish that were swimming near the surface of the water! 
 (a dolphin not a shark!)
And these birds were on the shoreline but too far away to see clearly!  Even when I magnify the pic, it distorts the image
 so I'm not sure what they are!
Caleb grabbed a selfie of grandson, son and me!
For those of you longing for summers blooms....a peace rose!  My daughter-in-law has a green thumb, too!
And a tea rose.  They both smelled heavenly!  it was a bit of a whirlwind day but we loved every minute together!


  1. What a wonderful adventure! I am counting down the days til I get back to Daytona, May 1st isn't that far away!!

  2. Oh how fun! That is one wonderful photo of the three of you. There is no playing outside today here. It was 55F yesterday and we got 7 inches of snow overnight. It's melting but gee whiz, I'm ready for flowers.

  3. There's nothing like a boat ride on a beautiful day! I was just noticing that the roses in the parks are all coming to life. No blooms yet but with this warm weather it won't be long.


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The Fringe tree is a little late this year  but it has been very dry so it will not be in bloom long!  This type of tree is called hysterant...