Sunday, March 5, 2023


I painted the background for this shark teeth art a few days ago;  today I played with filling in an outline of a shark with teeth!
The plaque is 14" long but for some reason the angle of the photo has foreshortened it!  
I added a step this time-I used a piece of contact paper laid over the silhouettee I had drawn and then I could retain the placement of the teeth when I use the resin this time,
 I won't have to start over again!
I spent a lot of time doing this --sock yarn blanket knitting; 
 I just haven't had any oomph to stand at the quilting frame!  


  1. How cute is that!! I wouldn't mind meeting that kind of shark! Hope you find some stamina today. I am finally getting Rowdy's quilt on the frame today. Too much life going on.

  2. Wowza.....a shark made of shark's teeth? How cool is that!

  3. That's such a cool shark! You certainly have some great ideas. I need to work on my sock yarn blanket too. First though, I have a few other projects I need to get finished.
    Blessings and hugs,

  4. You are so clever! Where did you get all those shark teeth?

  5. Very cool idea for your sharks teeth.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!