Tuesday, March 14, 2023


Another batch done from the tumbler!  
Some pink and yellow jasper , quartz, epidote and unakite.
These four in the front are my favorites this batch-epidote, pink jasper, unakite and red striped jasper.
We had a campfire last night-a perfect night for it-no wind and a bit chillier than it has been!
This is what I will work on today at quilting group!


  1. Fletch says we may be able to have a fire Friday night - if so, will be the first of the season for us!!

  2. What beauties those rocks turned out to be! We haven't had a fire in ages. It's always too windy anymore.

  3. That campfire looks inviting! It's snowing here - again - four days in a row now

  4. A campfire sounds so good and yours looks very inviting. I like the rocks, what will you do with all of them?
    We have such cold, dreary weather. I can't imagine sitting outside right now. I sure do miss campfires a lot.

  5. I like your favorites, too. The quilt is a beauty and will probably be finished after today’s sewing session. Have fun!


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.