Monday, March 13, 2023


I've had this linen placemat for ages--loved the colors 
but never did anything with it-until the other day!
I decided to turn it into a pressing pad / carrying case for the new little portable iron! I layered two pieces of batting topped with some teflon heat 'resistant material.  I tucked all three layers under the hem on the back of the placemat which I had unstitched first.  I then added some stitching in the areas I wanted to fold it and to hold the layers together, too.
I sewed 1/2 of a pony elastic on one side and on the other side I placed the elastic through a large button to keep this area folded in...
...and added a separating zipper to the other two sides. 
It is easy to open it up for pressing or fold it up for transporting!
Doesn't that look neat and practical, too?! 
 The definition of perfection in my world!


  1. Not only cute, but clever as well!

  2. Cool colors. I immediate thought it would be a good center square for a quilt. A pressing pad would not ever have been on my radar. I buy nothing that needs to be ironed. It's my personal rebellion from doing all the family ironing many years ago. Cool the way it folds up to protect the iron for packing.

  3. Brilliant! That is a pretty piece of material. I love my little mini iron. I never did replace my big one because the little one does it all.

  4. Brilliant idea Cindy. Did you come up with that? You should market them! :-) It's beautiful as well as practical. I still iron. When we lived in the camper before we moved, I had my ironing board. I would set it up outside if it was nice enough weather and iron outside. I sure got some funny looks! :-)
    Have a wonderful Monday my friend
    Blessings and hugs,

  5. You are SO creative! Nice work.

  6. The sock pair is delightful! The cat story is terrifying! The block is awesome! The stairs look great, but exhausting! The quilts are perfect, and the iron case is ingenious! You are firing on all cylinders!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!