Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Before, During and After

The before portion of this post, is a newly loaded quilt on the frame.
This one jumped to the front of the line because I wanted it there!
I couldn't wait to see it finished and 
now it is all ready for me to do some quilting today, first thing.
(As soon as I can get moving!)
The during part of the refers to the seaming that will now
take place on the hot-off-the-needle-bed
v-neck raglan sweater.
top down, but bottom up and it looks like I nailed the fit this time!
This one is made of the Cotton/Bamboo yarn that has a wonderful
hand but was a splitting misery to work with-that being said,
now that it's done being made, I will enjoy wearing it!
Onward to the seaming....
 And the After?  A finished quilt!  
Wonderfully textured and ready to warm up a lap!

It was quilted with an all-over panto-hearts and shwoops. 
 Don't you just love this corner of the quilt!
I am not a real purple fan but I have been enjoying the plums
and even bought myself a t-shirt this color!
It's good to leave the rut sometimes!  


  1. Lovely quilting. The word shwoops really describes it and made me laugh!

  2. That finished quilt is gorgeous!

  3. Lovely finished quilt! Those purples are so rich

  4. Your sewing/craft room has seen a flurry of activity! Great projects. I love how quilts "crinkle" after laundering.

  5. The sweater is very pretty but that quilt is gorgeous! I love the quilting of it and the beautiful colors.

  6. Oh oh oh!! I love the border of that quilt. IT makes the whole quilt look so great! Love love love


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....