Friday, July 10, 2020

A Grand Meeting

 For the car ride yesterday, I worked on this sock.
I thought I was going to do some patterning on this one but didn't enjoy having to count for the lace 
I had picked out.  
I settled on k3, p1 up the foot and then will do the leg in the same pattern all around.
I had just started on the gusset increases when we got back home.
 And I did work on the whole ride up to tame this tangle!
Look at the progress I made!
 The strands are really looped through each other and not really tangled unbearable.
I patiently (see, Nancy, I was patient) teased each loop through its neighbors until they were side by side again.  And yes, Dee it was very much like a good puzzle.  Bill still thought I was crazy! lol
And the reason for the trip---
to bring the Fernandina grands back to spend a few days with us!
By the time I had taken this photo, I was already 'pooled' out two hours later
and grandpa was about wrinkled beyond his years!
I coaxed them out with the lure of a ice cream cone!
It worked!


  1. I still would have thrown it out!! Your pool looks so refreshing.

  2. Wow...that's quite the job you have done on that tangle! I've had to get out my warping board to get through things like that.

  3. WOW, you certainly made great progress on that tangled yarn - truly commendable. Enjoy the Grands!

  4. Your pool looks so wonderful and how perfect to have your grands spend some time with you. I can't believe how much you've untangled. Great job! You have so much patience.

  5. You are a saint for working on that yarn!
    Have fun with your company!

  6. Love you are spending time with those wonderful children. Enjoy every moment.

  7. You have a lot more patience than I. I would have ditched the yarn!!


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