Tuesday, August 11, 2020

A Gardening First!

I've been watching these red 'berries' on the ends of these three Christmas Cactus lobes.
Today, I looked up what they were--gotta love Google!

And indeed, they are berries--seeds from pollinated blooms! 

I don't know if it was the hummingbirds or the bees that pollinated the blooms

but I am thrilled to think that this happened!

I will try germinating these seeds--I've got a bit more research to do first!

How cool is that?  Have you seen this before?
My daily drawing and painting from that calendar.
More pinks...
I'm ready for some blues or purples...! lol
And a wonderful package arrived today!
 I couldn't wait to unwrap and sniff!

What a sweet way to say thank you for those masks I mailed to Araignee' !

Who says blog friends aren't 'real' friends?!


  1. I am happy to see the soap made it. I was worried with all this heat we are having. Those are my "weird" soaps and I thought you might get a kick out of trying them out. I am particularly fond of the little Aleppo soap. I swear my face feels like a completely new landscape since I've been using it. I see why Cleopatra was a fan!

  2. I have never seen those "berries" before - interesting! How sweet of Araignee to send you some soap - her soaps are great!! Enjoy.

  3. I haven't seen the berries either. How fun to learn something new about a plant you've had awhile.
    Debra's soaps are so nice. It was really sweet of her to send it.

  4. The berries are new to me as well - glad that Google supplied the answer. Enjoy the gifts from Deb.

  5. You will love the soaps. Deb is really a soap master!
    I fell in love with cacti this past winter in Phoenix. How exciting that yours developed berries.

  6. Those berries are so neat — who knew?! The tulips are gorgeous (I’m still enjoying the pinks even if you’re ready for a change!), and the soaps are lovely (what are the brown cakes?).

  7. I have never seen Christmas Cactus do that! I guess because mine always bloom indoors!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!