Monday, August 24, 2020

Let the New Week Begin!

I'm almost done with this ribbed hat;  it's been surprisingly rhythmic to knit in the 1 x 1 rib!

 I did a little sketch of the camper and man grilling.  Looks like a good getaway!


  1. Nice!! It always amazes me when people pull out grills when camping (we just use a campfire).

  2. That does look like a great getaway. I'd love to be camping right now....well maybe not now. It's still too darn hot and muggy.

  3. I’ve only been camping a few times - both in tents and campers. A delight to wake to the smell of pine-infused air.

  4. We used to have a camper like that. It's a GREAT sketch. Our trailer now is a just a tad bit bigger. Ha!
    Great hat too! You're a fast knitter.

  5. Happy New Week! Enjoy your knitting - LOVE your drawing!!

  6. LOL! Is that an antennae on top? What every camper needs.

  7. I just love that camper art. TUrn it into cards!! Walgreens can do it for a song.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!